About And Others

And Others is a journey through the mind of Amanda. Amanda is a 26- year-old woman who struggles with Dissociative Identity Disorder, (DID) caused by trauma Amanda faced at the age of 13. Seven different people/personas, with all different ages and quirks, struggle for control over Amanda’s head. This one act play will leave you crying, laughing and smiling from ear to ear with the heartbreaking revelations, intensity and humor. 


Juliette Lazard- Amanda 

Kaitlyn Ulrey- Rachel 

Isa Denison- Maya

Diya Iyer.- Katrina/Kade

Emma Lawer- Liam

Connor Healy- Brady

Sara Hester- Randall

Folsom High School

The Folsom High School Theatre Department has been producing high-quality theatrical productions in the Folsom community for over 25 years. FHS Theatre is proud to perform in the beautiful 690-seat Jill Solberg Theatre. 
Currently, the FHS Theatre department boasts a comprehensive four-year acting program and a comprehensive four-year technical theatre program. Students can study both aspects or specialize! Alumni students have gone on to star in Broadway and regional productions, and many are working actors and technicians in theatres all over the world.

FHS Theatre produces two main-stage shows each year: a musical in the fall and a non-musical play in the spring. Additionally, the department competes annually in the Lenaea High School Theatre Festival and presents a spring showcase which features a series of one act plays directed by graduating seniors.

FHS Theatre is a recipient of the Folsom Arts and Cultural Commission's Arts Achievement Award and multiple Elly (regional) awards and nominations.

FHS Theatre is a proud member of the Sacramento Area Regional Theatre Alliance (SARTA) and is a member of the International Thespian Society.

Follow us on Facebook (Folsom High School Theatre), Twitter (@FolsomTheatre) and Instagram (folsomhightheatre)