About Thespy Showcase 2025

Thespians are headed to competition on Saturday, January 11th but before that, they are here to entertain you with their acts. We have everything from play reading, monologues, solos, duets, and moreā€¦ 

Federal Way High School Drama Department

Providing access to the Arts is key to creating well-rounded human beings.  Some kids find their place in sports, some in academics, and for others, they find their place of belonging in the Arts.  We strive to create an atmosphere that supports a safe space for all students to feel at home and ready to explore new skills. We aim to help the next generation of adults be well prepared and well adjusted when they step up into their own to go out into the world and do great things. 

If you would like to help the FWHS Drama Department further our mission, we gratefully accept financial donations (see the donations tab) as well as parent support with set building, costume construction, fundraising, decorating for shows, and more. You can email drama teacher Holly Rose with how you would like to help at [email protected] 

Thank you for your support!