Dracula Cast

Wilbur Anderson (Harker)
Wilbur is in 10th grade and this is his 3rd show with Federal Way High School Drama Dept. Their past shows at Fed include Mary Poppins Jr. (Michael Banks) and Blithe Spirit (Charles Condomine). They've also been a part of the TMP summer production of The Lightning Thief (Gabe Ugliano). Some of Wilbur's hobbies include crocheting and playwriting. Wilbur would like to give a shoutout to Noah Sauer and Lily Wright. "I love you guys so much I'm so glad I dragged y’all into theater - you keep me motivated to keep going and doing what I love and there is never a dull moment with you guys."
Jessie Beeler (Maid/Attendant)
Lashia Butler (Waiter/Vixen)
Yair Cendejas (Harker Understudy)
Luis Duenas-Valencia (Renfield Understudy)
Megan Hafey (Mina Understudy)
Megan is a 17 year old junior and this is her 1st show with Federal Way High School Drama Dept. Some of Megan's hobbies include playing guitar and drums, video games, and doing digital art. Megan would like to thank Melanie D. for being super awesome, and for the extra push to audition.
Quinton Jackson (Harker Understudy)
Quinton is 15 and a Sophomore. This is his first show with Federal Way High School Drama Dept. Some of King’s hobbies include Singing, Dancing, playing Video Games, and running.
Jonell Johnson (Vixen/Attendant)
Navneet Kaur (Mina)
is a 17 year old senior and this is her 5th show with Federal Way High School Drama Dept. She has done Vaudeville and participated in musical theater her sophomore year. Some of Navneet’s hobbies include dancing, painting, writing, and singing. Navneet would like to thank her mom for always supporting her plays, she adores her very much . Navneet hopes that you all love and enjoy the show!
Chantal Lindiwe (Lucy)
Chantal is a senior and this is her 5th show with Federal Way High School Drama Dept. She has performed in all of the plays since her freshman year, most recently Blithe Spirit in fall of last year. Some of her hobbies include writing, music, and traveling. Chantal would like to thank her castmates and crew for all the work they put in. She would also like to thank you all for attending and she hopes you enjoy the show.
Gale Miller (Seward)
Gale is a Sophomore, and this is his first show acting, and 3rd show with Federal Way High School Drama Dept. He worked on Run Crew for Blithe Spirit, and Mary Poppins Jr., along with Stage Managing Princess Whatsername with Rosebud Children's Theatre. Some of Gale’s hobbies include going down Wikipedia rabbit holes, writing, and playing Zelda. He’d like to thank Bungo, his fish, for being moral support when he’d stay up doing lines. His kiddos back at Rosebud, who he misses dearly. Jo, for listening to him ramble about his blocking, & the AMAZING FABULOUS TECH CREW who made this possible!!! Thank you for coming to watch Dracula, enjoy the show, and remember: be like Bram Stoker. Fall into that theatre crowd. ;)
Isabelle Nieto-Vieyra (Lucy Understudy)
Isabelle is in 10th grade and this is their 1st show with Federal Way High School Drama Dept. Some of Isabelle’s hobbies include listening to music while going on walks, sleeping and dreaming, as well as writing stories with some of the characters I create when I'm bored.
Valerie Nieto-Vieyra (Vixen/Attendant)
Valerie is in 12th grade and this is her 3rd show with Federal Way High School Drama Dept. She worked on spot in Seussical and on lights in Blithe Spirit Some of Valerie's hobbies include hiking, the occasional book, and some yarn based crafts.
Sergio Ramirez (Van Helsing)
Sergio is 17 and is a junior. and this is his first show with Federal Way High School Drama Dept. Some of Sergio’s hobbies include photography and photoshopping and basketball.
Justin Sutton (Dracula)
Justin is in 12th grade and this is his 3rd show with Federal Way High School Drama Dept. The previous 2 being Blithe Spirit and Mary Poppins. Some of Justin’s hobbies include cooking and swimming and being a part of FWHS Choir. Justin would like to thank all the friends that have supported him by coming to the performances he’s been a part of. He hopes the audience loves the play and thanks everyone for supporting the FWHS Drama Dept.
Avi Taylor (Renfield)
Avi is a sophomore and this is his 4th show with Federal Way High School Drama Dept. Some of the previous ones being Charles in Blithe Spirit and Sound Cue Operator for Mary Poppins. Some of Avi’s hobbies include Writing, sketching and cooking. Avi would like to thank his dad for being the actor role model in my life. Thank you for supporting us and being here, enjoy the show!