About Musical Theatre Showcase 2024

The Musical Theatre Showcase is presented by students who are currently in the Musical Theatre class at Federal Way High School. They work on acting, vocal, & dance technique throughout the semester.

The Drama Department does not receive any funding from the district. If you would like to support these young artists on their artistic endeavors with a donation to the department, please click on the donation tab above! It's so thrilling to watch their confidence grow and their skills continually improve. 

Be sure to come back in May to see this Musical Theatre class perform Mamma Mia May 3-11, 2024.

But performing shows isn't cheap. Musicals cost $3,000 just to get the permission to perform the show. Then to get the song recordings to use during the show costs an additional $2500. Then there is a set to build (about $1500), costumes to rent or make (another $1500), and props to purchase or rent…..which all adds up to around $10,000 per show. And that's the conservative price.

So please help spread the word so we can get lots of folks to come to the show! These young artists deserve to perform to full houses!

We hope you enjoy the show!

Federal Way High School Drama Department

Providing access to the Arts is key to creating well-rounded human beings.  Some kids find their place in sports, some in academics, and for others, they find their place of belonging in the Arts.  We strive to create an atmosphere that supports a safe space for all students to feel at home and ready to explore new skills. We aim to help the next generation of adults be well prepared and well adjusted when they step up into their own to go out into the world and do great things. 

The FWHS Drama Department is a set-funded department. We do not receive funding from the district. So ticket sales and other donations are the only way we are able to provide these performance opportunities. Shows are not cheap to produce. The rights to perform a play is around $1200 and a musical costs about $3000. Then the music tracks we need to sing to cost another $2500. Then there are the materials to build the set, buy, rent or make the costumes and props. When all is said and done, the costs of putting on a play is around $8,000 and a musical is around $10,000. The Drama Department produces the Fall play, Drama 2 showcase, Musical Theatre showcase, Student directed one acts, and the spring musical. That's a lot of opportunities for students to showcase their talents. 

If you would like to help the FWHS Drama Department further our mission, we gratefully accept financial donations (see the donations tab) as well as parent support with set building, costume construction, fundraising, decorating for shows, and more. You can email drama teacher Holly Rose with how you would like to help at [email protected] 

Thank you for your support!