Jack the Ripper: Monster of Whitechapel Creative

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Stage Manager
Leah Crane
Wowie it's her again! Leah is stage managin' for the 4th time! She is so excited to watch her friends pretend to murder people! She would like to thank every single person ever.
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Assistant Stage Manager/Sound
Skyler Andrade
Skye is a silly little guy who likes singing and pressing buttons from the booth. They are now a senior and they think that's bananas, (B-A-N-A-N-A-S).
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Floor Manager
Kira Mcgaughey
Kira is excited to be the floor manager for Jack the Ripper, other than this show Kira has been on the floor crew for Sherlock, Midsummer, Alice in Wonderland, Steel Magnolias and was in the pit for Footloose. They are looking forward to many shows with this incredible team and can’t wait for you to see this incredible show.
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Student Costume Lead
Victoria Bradley-Woods
This is Victoria's second time being costume lead and she is very excited to do it again. She is a senior and has been part of this program since her freshman year.
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Student Prop Lead
Sienna Zielie
Sienna is so excited for another year in drama!! After her time in Footloose and Steel Magnolias, she's very thankful to be back as a lead tech for Jack The Ripper, and she hopes you enjoy the show as much as she enjoyed providing to it!!
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Hair/Makeup Lead
Silver Velez
Silver is very excited to be a lead tech for the first performance of the school year. They are very excited to see all the hard work that everyone has put in, all come together. she is very grateful for the opportunity to lead a crew and work together with other lead to create an amazing production. Good show.
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Lobby Lead
Rhett Ash
Rhett has been doing drama ever since he got to the high school. The thing he most enjoys is just hanging out with fellow kids who enjoy theater, the whole aspect of it and the community around it. He is now the student leader of the lobby. He would like to thank Mrs.Abrahamse for the opportunity, and will do his job proud. good show.
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Spotlight/Costume tech
Felix Pyle
Felix was a spotlight for the musical, Footloose, last year and absolutely LOVED IT, so he decided to continue being one for this season's shows as well! He also enjoys working with costumes, so he has chosen to do that as well. Felix would like to thank the lead techs for working so hard!
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Spotlight/Prop tech
Alex Carroll
Alex is so excited to be apart of the Jack the Ripper production. She is happy to be working up in spotlight for the third time, after the shows Alice in Wonderland and Footloose last year they feel as if she has a good handle on what to do. They are also happy to be apart of the prop team, she loves to help out a lot so they appreciate the opportunity to help one of the bigger tech teams. Alex has also been tech in Steel Magnolias, the spring show last year, as well as act on stage during her middle school shows Greece (a show on Greek mythology) which they did her 6th and 8th grade years as well as her 7th grade online show called Help Desk. They thank all of you for coming and hopes you love the show just as much as she dose.
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Floor Tech
Danika Ostrum-Borland
Danika is excited to be apart of Jack the Ripper. She has been apart of A Midsummer Nights Dream, Alice and Wonderland and, Steele Magnolias. She was also in the pit for Little Shop of Horrors and Footloose. She is excited for the many more shows to come and would like to thank everyone for coming.
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Floor Tech
Max Grantham
Max is happy to have been apart of this wonderful production and thanks his parents for always providing him transportation and support.
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Floor/Prop Tech
Syrie Hunt
Syrie has been in many shows here at EHS, and is grateful to be apart of another one, tech or actor! She would like to thank her family, for allowing her to do these shows, and her friends for being there for her! She hopes to see you at the next show!
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Floor Tech
Lex Downing
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Floor Tech
Zephyrus Maloney
Zephyr is a Junior who has been doing drama club since freshman year! They enjoy knitting and crochet, and their favorite color is sage green.
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Floor Tech
James Schaefer
He's just some guy trying to do something, and he doesn't know what anymore.
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Floor/Prop Tech
Bo Mukai
This is Bo's first floor crew experience. They are incredibly scared. Bo wants to thank all of their friends in the cast and crew for being so encouraging. They hope you like the show!
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Floor Tech
Katelynn Orozco
Katelynn would like to thank everyone on the team for being amazinggg!
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Prop/Hair/Makeup Tech
Michaela Monaco
This is Michaela but she prefers to be called Mk. She loves drawing and is part of the hair and makeup crew for 'Jack the Ripper'
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Prop/Costume Tech
Cal Currier
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Hair/Makeup Tech
Robin Harms
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Hair/Makeup Tech
Stella Hicks
This is her first year doing crew. She has four years or drama experience and twelve of dance experience. She dreams to pursue acting as a career. She wants to thank her friends for their encouragement and her family for their support!
Hair/Makeup Tech
Aubrey Cozart

Original Creative Team