Footloose Creative

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Juliet Bannerot
Juliet is the one on the Left.
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Allison Abrahamse
Allison is the one on the right.
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Assistant Director
Kameron Jacobs
Kameron Jacobs graduated from EHS thirteen long years ago, where the EHS Drama Department played a crucial role in his education and inspired him to make a difference in the world. Since then, he went to Pacific Lutheran University, served proudly in the U.S. Navy, and completed graduate school at John’s Hopkins. He now works at the genesis of HIV research development for the National Institutes of Health and helps scientists communicate critical health information to the public. His passion for the arts is woven into the fabric of his life and career, as he believes storytelling, music, and creativity make the best, better. He would like to thank the directors and cast for welcoming him back home to where it all began. Here in this theater is where it all truly matters.
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Music Director
Mr. Paul Scott
This is Mr. Scott's 20th musical with EHS Drama as Music Director. He has a lot of fun being a big kid and getting to perform music with so many talented young musicians. He loves his family and is very thankful for all of their support during this time. Mr. Scott has a dog, Oreo and a cat, Pepper Potts, which is not his favorite family member. Much love to Elizabeth, Madelyn, and three are the BEST!
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Ms. Amanda Kelly
Amanda is blown away that this is her fifteenth season with Enumclaw High School Drama. She's grateful to continue working, learning and evolving with these students and directors each year. she has endless love and thanks for the gift of movement and her spouse Clayton.
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Technical Director/Set Designer
Will Abrahamse
Will is married to the Co-Director on the Right.
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Mama Shaw
Mama Shaw (Judy Jordan Shaw) has enjoyed working with such a great team for the EHS production of “Footloose”. Mama Shaw worked on costume design & making sure all the actors had costumes that fit their characters. She has worked on many productions at EHS for the last 4+ years. She holds theater productions close to her heart working on many productions for many high schools over the years.
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Pit Director
Tim Hager-Wentz
Tim HW is the new band director for EHS and EMS. He holds a Bachelor degree in Music Education and is currently completing course work towards his Master's degree in Music Ed through Kent State University. Though he has not acted on stage, Tim has performed in pit orchestras for The King and I, Beauty and the Beast, Peter Pan, Urinetown, and The 1940's Radio Hour.
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Mr. Bob Hubley
Bob the Piano Player is a musician/composer/entertainer. Born in New Jersey, he has performed for audiences in the Pacific Northwest for close to forty years. Bob and his family live in Auburn, WA.
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Stage Manager/Lightboard/Jeter understudy
Leah Crane
Leah is a goofy gal who is a big tech boss and also in the show now :P she would like to thank her cool directors for allowing her to do all these cool things for this very cool program. Good show!!
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Assistant Stage Manager/Sound Manager
Skyler Andrade
Nicknames for Skyler: skittles, skye man, sound man, math man, music man, etc. :) Previous Shows: She Kills Monsters, Sherlock Holmes and the Portal of Time, Little Shop of Horrors, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Alice in Wonderland.
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Prop Co-manager
Red Holwege
Red is excited to be here! Constantly running on caffeine, they’re ready to get their hands dirty and get stuff done!
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Prop Co-manager
Kaya Albright
Kaya is so excited for you to see this show! They are so happy to be a prop lead again and work with the most amazing crew! They are also happy their stomach functions now so they can actually be here during the shows! Woo-hoo! They hope you enjoy the show! Good show! :D
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Floor Manager
Areya Burt
Areya likes reading and drama. She would like to thank her family for being understanding of her busy schedule. Areya has been a part of EHS drama productions before, she was a floor tech for both ´Sherlock Holmes and the portal of time´ and ´Alice in Wonderland´.Areya is super excited to see how the audience reacts to the production of Footloose.
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Dance Assistant/Spotlight
Alex Carroll
Alex Carroll is a passionate freshman who enjoys running behind the scenes. She loves to help out where she can. She is very glad to be able to work with everyone in this production and hopes you enjoy the show.
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Prop Tech
Harlee Luke
Harlee likes Areya Burt, long walks around the school, and apple juice. This is not her first time being a technician she was part of Alice and wonderland as a floor tech. She is really excited to see what people will think of the EHS production of footloose.
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Prop/House Tech
Nova Warren
This is Nova’s second show and they’re super happy to be a part of it.
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Prop Tech
Dorian Heintzinger
Dor-Dor helps with prop stuffs (He's a great sign painter)
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Prop Tech/Spotlight
Felix Pyle
Felix is a cool guy who does various technical tasks including assisting in props and working one of two spotlights. This is his second show!
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Prop Tech
Lydia St. Laurent
Lydia helps with props! They love art and design, and just generally helping out! They'd like to thank the entire prop team for being so helpful and making things so easy. :)
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Prop Tech
Rhett Ash
Rhett is a kid just trying to find his spot in the world, when he was younger he thought theater was weird and chaotic, it still is but it is fun and there is no where he would rather be
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Floor Tech
Brogan Stephans
Brogan is a happy helpful person that really loves people and being there for people. He wants to thank everyone for the help and working together that they all do to get this show together. He definitely couldn't not do this without everyone else.
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Floor Tech
Brielle Holtz
Brielle likes being a tech and her family, including her Guinea Pigs. And this is her sixth show that she’s worked on.
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Floor Tech
Lupita Velez
Lupita is excited to be part of the crew and they enjoyed watching the musical growth and progress, and are excited to partake in their first prediction.
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Floor Tech
Benny Rae
"Brushing your teeth is the only time you clean your skeleton"- A quote by Benny Rae former frog and comedy muse now member of the floor.
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Floor Tech
Victoria Woods
Victoria has been part of the drama program since her freshman year and is excited to be a technician for this show.
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Floor Tech
Zephyr Maloney
Zephyr Maloney is a technician working as a floor tech. They like to crochet and play minecraft!
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Floor Tech
Nathan Payne
Nathan is the coolest tech around. He like to help! He is the best stair rail you have ever seen. He wants people to know that this show will be amazing. Good show!
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Joseph Wentz
Joseph Wentz is an alumni who plays the electric bass and the upright bass. Although he has performed before, this is only his second time playing in a pit for a musical, so he is very excited!
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Otto Travis
Ottos been apart of a lot of productions in the past but this time he’s playing saxophone in the pit! He couldn’t be more excited to be making awesome music with his favorite people.
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Danika Ostrum-Borland
Danika likes reading and playing the clarinet. She is thankful for her family for understanding that this musical takes time and dedication.
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Kira Mcgaughey
Kira is a sophomore flautist who loves reading and writing. She is thankful for this great community of friends that this drama program has cultivated.

Original Creative Team