SOUTHBRIDGE by Reginald Edmund Creative

Creative Member Image
Director/Production Designer
Garry Lee Posey
Founder and Executive Artistic Director of Ensemble Theatre of Chattanooga. He has directly participated in more than 100 productions with ETC since 2007.
Creative Member Image
Stage Manager
Alena Scott
This is Alena's debut with ETC
Admisintrative Assistance
Ann Miller
Ann has been a part of ETC for the last three years. Performing in SHE KILLS MONSTERS and CRAWLSPACE and stage managing CYCLONE AND THE PIG FACED LADY.
Marketing Associate
Caleb Sexton

Original Creative Team

SOUTHBRIDGE was originally produced as a Graduate School Thesis at the 2009 Seabury Quinn, Jr. Playwright's Festival, Ohio University Theatre in May 2009.

The cast was as follows:

  • Christopher C Davis (Stranger) - Tyler Rollinson
  • Nadia Davis - Clara Jackson
  • Lucinda Luckey - Georgia Guy
  • Edwin Berry - Eric Lynch
  • Sheriff Warden - Adam Meredith

Creative Contributors were:

  • Director - Vanessa Mercado Taylor
  • Set Design - Evan K Schmidt
  • Associate Set Design - Cassandra Westover
  • Lighting Design - Adam Suntken
  • Costume Designer - Jennifer Redman
  • Associate Costume Designer - Celia Childress
  • Sound Design - Cassie Devine
  • Stage Designer - Jennifer Sachs
  • Dramaturgy - Casey Clem and Nicole Simon