The Ultimate Rummage Sale Extravaganza Tickets & Info

Thanks for attending our production of The Ultimate Rummage Sale Extravaganza! We look forward to seeing you at the next one!

Thanks for attending our production of The Ultimate Rummage Sale Extravaganza! We look forward to seeing you at the next one!

No tickets are currently on offer


VIP EXPERIENCE [includes meal ticket, digital photo, entry into raffle drawing]: $20.00
VENDOR BOOTH [set up shop in the theater and sell your own items]: $40.00
E4Y SUPPORTER [Digtial Photo]: $10.00


Free Entry!!!- with an opportunity to enhance your rummage extravaganza experience with a ticket that directly supports our art-based youth development programs "Encore4Youth"! The event is from 11-6pm and you can come and go as you please- special performances to begin at 4:00pm.

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Refund/Exchange Policy

All sales are final.

Encore! Theatre