About Someone Like Me / In Whose Eyes?

Someone Like Me

A social comedy – Jordan is on the edge with her fiancé when a stranger enters her world and turns it upside down. He leads them into an increasingly pointed debate about the tides of culture, love, and Jordan's own looming commitment. Richard Gustin's SOMEONE LIKE ME is a socially awkward comedy about the intimate places a total stranger can unexpectedly take us.

In Whose Eyes? 

A man is caught in a cascade of historical events threatening everything he holds dear.  His ability to survive these events is both remarkable and inexplicable.  But a trial in the afterlife draws into question the morality of his choices and the destination of his soul.

About Our Playwrights

Grad School Actor Playwrights Unite

George Kappaz and Richard Gustin met as company members at the Hilberry Repertory Theatre at Wayne State University in Detroit. They spent two years of MFA training performing the classics and contemporary plays in rotating repertory under the artistic direction of Leonard Leone. George and Richard have come together after forty-five years to celebrate their friendship and to collaborate on the world premieres of Someone Like Me and In Whose Eyes?