FREDTalk 2024 

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In this jam packed 60 minutes you will discover how to use meta -thinking to problem solve more effectively. What does that mean?

Fred is the GO TO speaker for effective problem solving, You, along with everyone else are expected to solve problems on and off the clock. The problem is that there are problems with how we think about problems. Before your brain can solve your problems, you’ve got to solve your brain’s problems. Because isn’t it true that while your brain is your greatest problem-solving asset, it has its own set of needs?

Join US army veteran, hypnotist, and brain owner, Fred Lee to learn how the strategies of meta-thinking will bring new clarity and solutions to your existing and future problems. Not only that, but when you master meta-thinking, suddenly you’ll be more productive, less stressed, make better decisions, and love your job (and life) even more.

EMH Productions/Artist's Collective

The Ooley Theatre and EMH are proud to support Fred Lee in his endeavors to enlighten and entertain us! We are pleased to have Fred gracing our stage and sending his message to help free your mind with meta thinking. We look forward to seeing you at this FREDTalk, and you can also check out our other live theatre shows right on our little Ooley Stage!