About Act 2: Intermediate Acting

This class is for students who have completed the Act I class or have some stage experience. Students learn what makes
characters unique and how to create compelling performances onstage. Students will think about the “why” behind every
action. They will gain an understanding of how dramatic texts transfer from the script to the stage. They will understand
the importance of articulation, projection and voice variation in storytelling and collaborate with other actors to develop
performance skills. Textual analysis, movement work and vocal production expertise are developed using monologues,
scene work, improvisation, games and exercises. Students will be required to memorize scripts and perform a short
program during the final class meeting.

Ellis County Children's Theater

Ellis County Children’s Theater (ECCT) is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization, founded by Gail Stutts Harrell in 2008. We provide local artists, professional teachers, and directors an organization in which they may collaborate and coordinate skills in creating a rich educational environment for children living in southern Dallas and surrounding counties.

It is the intention for Ellis County Children’s Theater to offer a wide range of theater and music opportunities to any child able to attend classes and performances. We seek to be inclusive I reaching children ages 5 through 18 of any ability including physically impaired, emotionally challenged, or learning disabled at an affordable cost. In addition, we invite the underserved children not having access to fine arts programs in their communities to join us and for every child we hope offer any financial assistance making attendance possible.