Santa-napped Cast

Cole Spicher (Agent 1)
is a sophomore aspiring to join ETC! He enjoys cooking for his friends and family. He currently attends the Reece Center an is enrolled in the Culinary program. He is so excited to be apart of this play!
Sydney Freeman (Agent 2)
is a senior and is very excited to be apart of this show. This is her first time acting in ETC, normally she is behind the scenes with costumes but now she gets to be on the big stage. She is so excited for this opportunity.
Akash Chirayil (Santa Claus/ Clausinator 3000)
is a sophomore, this is his first time in any production and is super excited to be apart of the play and for the roles he has. He hopes everyone enjoys the show very much and would like to thank everyone for coming to the show!!
Kamira Ealy (Rudolph/ Angela)
is a junior! She's always loved theatre since she was a little girl and loved how everything on stage came together and to life. She's always dreamt of participating in the theatre family someday and it came true!! Freshman year, she was in "Radium Girls" for the final season. She got a chance to work with tech a little bit during her sophomore year final exam project, in which she created a costume design for "Macbeth". This year she went to Thespians State Festival and it was a BLAST!! She participated in the hair and makeup challenge for her first experience. She can't wait to do more rolls and tech with her theatre family in the years to come!!
Olivia Imperial (Beadle)
is a freshman and this is her first show at Elkins. She has been in Hamlet, Hallmarks of Horrors, and student directed plays. She is excited to be in such an amazing cast. Thanks for coming to the show!!
Nyl Nijsters (Snoop)
is a senior here at Elkins High School. Santa-napped would be his first performance with ETC and is honored to be able to be part of such a cast.
Karthik Sujith (Whoop-Dink)
is a freshman that is excited to work with Elkins Theatre Company for the first time with this show, Santa-napped. He has had a blazing passion for theatre since picking it as an elective choice in 6th grade. The following grade level, he participated in a UIL one-act play, representing his middle school and taking on several different roles in the play 'Shipwrecked'.
Sig' Watson (Mrs. Claus)
is ecstatic to be apart of another production with Elkins Theatre Company. She previously served as Head Prop Master (Elf on the Shelf Must Die) and Asst. Prop Master (Crimes of the Heart). This is her first featured acting role. She would like to thank her mom for always supporting her love of theatre and her ETC Production classmates for being so welcoming and fun.
Kameelah Hughes (Easter Bunny)
Yen Lam (Brittany)