A Good Old-Fashioned Big Family Christmas Cast

Tessa Chilson-Sheets (Hayden Stewart)
A rather laid-back but inept husband, mid-40s
Julia Birdsall (Judith Stewart)
Hayden's thoughtful wife, also mid-40s
Madelyn Gordner (Carla)
Judith's suspicious sister, in her late 30s
Emily Lewis (Beth)
Judith's other easygoing sister, around 30
Jayda Rodriguez (Max)
Carla's argumentative husband, late 30s
Landon Stetts (Cliff)
Beth's eager-to-please husband, also around 30
Catherine Sones (Phoebe)
Hayden & Judith's secretive daughter, 19
Camryn Hall (Mildred)
Well-meaning sentimental neighbor
Ella Buynak (Blair)
Carla & Max's 13-year-old daughter
Carly Sones (Lanie)
Carla & Max's other daughter, 11 years old
Mason Price (Jack)
Judith's dad, a feisty 65-year-old
Noel Gardner (Arlene)
Jack's wife and mother to the girls, also 65
Zachary Yost (Tom)
Hayden's health-conscious dad, mid-60s
Lana Perry (Marjorie)
Hayden's wise mother, also in her mid-60s
Taylor Kapp (Understudy)