About The Wedding Singer

The Wedding Singer takes us back to a time when hair was big, greed was good, collars were up and a wedding singer might just be the coolest guy in the room. Based on the hit Adam Sandler movie, The Wedding Singer's sparkling new score does for the '80s what Hairspray did for the '60s. Just say yes to the most romantic musical in twenty years.

It's 1985, and rock star wannabe, Robbie Hart, is New Jersey's favorite wedding singer. He's the life of the party until his own fiancée leaves him at the altar. Shot through the heart, Robbie makes every wedding as disastrous as his own. Enter Julia, a winsome waitress who wins his affection. As luck would have it, Julia is about to be married to a Wall Street shark, and, unless Robbie can pull off the performance of a decade, the girl of his dreams will be gone forever.

Dawson-Boyd Performing Arts

The Dawson-Boyd Music Department strives to bring student opportunities that allow for high-quality art while also learning about theater and ultimately, themselves. This thriving theater department has its alumni and employees to thank for keeping this program going for so many years, but ultimately the students deserve the praise for coming back year after year to create life longs bonds and friendships through the ultimate team effort that is a full-scale musical. We were ecstatic to bring this booming '80s rock score to life on the Dawson-Boyd stage. While many students may not be aware of all the references in this musical, they are certainly aware of the impact 80's music had on the world and how it lead to today's music world. Rewatch your 80's movie favorites and buckle up for a fun look back in time when the hair was high and the outfits were colorful!