About Much Ado About Nothing

While the event at Simpsonwood Park is FREE (first-come, first-served), we are offering a priority seating area to our sponsors and to anyone who reserves a spot (only $10 in advance; $15 day-of). Sponsors,  ticket sales, and donations enable us to cover production costs, making live theatre accessible to EVERYONE in the community, regardless of income level!  This premium seating area is our gift to you for helping us do so. Color-coded wristbands will serve as your “tickets.”  We will have an area reserved in front of the stage for you! Do not bring anything that will obstruct or disturb others' view such as umbrellas and/or pets into the priority seating area unless it is a certified support animal. Please note that no seating is provided; please bring lawn chairs and blankets. Coolers are welcome too (no alcohol, please).  Please enjoy the show!

Contemporary Classics Theatre

Contemporary Classics exists to challenge and transform classic Western theater traditions by creating an inclusive community of diverse people, ideas, and cultures. We believe that classic work is made even greater when performed by a larger variety of artists, especially those who have been marginalized by Wester theatre traditions, including women and people of color.

Because we do nate have a permanent home, we partner with places such as public parks for performance spaces. This “homeless” state is one of the reasons we call ourselves “A Crew Of Patches”- we travel from “patch” to “patch” with our shows. The name also reflects the “motley” coat of a Shakespearean Clown (or Fool), created by sewing patches of old or discarded clothing together in a mishmash of textures and colors, like a patchwork quilt. Fools, or “Patches”, transcend societal norms by being simultaneously a part of society and outside of it, giving them the ability to examine and comment on it.