Twisted Cast

Aladdin (Griffin Hotchkiss)
Griffin is 15 years old and a sophomore at JCOS. This isn’t his first show, he’s been in numerous plays at the Venue Theater and Twisted is going to be his second show at Conifer. Aside from doing theater, Griffin enjoys piano, guitar, volleyball, and drawing. He hopes you enjoy the show!
Pregnant Girl, Slave Girl, Cruella DeVille (Sammie Abbey)
Sammie is a freshman at Conifer High School. Though this is her first show she has done seven shows at The Venue Theater. In her free time she likes to hangout with friends, draw, and spend time outside. She wants to thank everyone who made the show possible, and she hopes you enjoy the show!
Librarian, Gazeem, Soldier #2 (Dallas Maxey)
Dallas Maxey is a freshman at Conifer High-school, this isn’t her first show, but she’s still very excited to perform. She always loves being surrounded by friends and this cast is chock full of them. She also loves to create art, yet still manages to find time for sports. She hopes you enjoy the show!
Sherezade (Joey Tharel)
Joey is a sophomore at JRLP and is very excited to perform at Conifer High School. She hopes you enjoy the show!
Optimistic Citizen, Belle, Gaston, Slave, Dance Captain (Ronnie Van Beek)
Ronnie is a senior at Conifer High School. This is her 19th show, you might have even seen her performing at either Stagedoor or The Venue. When she isn’t doing Theater you can find her hanging out with friends. She would like to thank her fellow cast and family for all the support. She hopes you enjoy the show!
Boy (Maddy Fletcher )
Maddy Fletcher has been doing Theater for over ten years now at numerous different Venus. She has been taking dance for two years now, and loves to write and curate music. She would like to thank her amazing Cast and directors for this opportunity. She hopes you enjoy the show!
Djinn, Parrot (Bird Cassidy)
Bird is a freshman at Conifer High School. She has been in 11 shows prior to Twisted, and has performed with Peak, The Venue, Stagedoor, NextStage, and CHS. In her free time she likes to draw, listen to music, and perform. She’d like to thank her fellow cast members and everyone who helped to put on this show. She hopes you enjoy the show!
Prince Achmed (Greg Hertz)
Greg Hertz is a sophomore at Jefferson County Open School and has been involved with theater for six whole years. He’s had experience acting with Mountain Youth Musicals, The Venue Theater, Ovation West, the EHS Theater program, and the CHS Theater Program. He would like to thank his friends and family for their support in his dream of becoming an actor. He hopes you enjoy the show!
Royal Vazier, Ursula, Slave girl, Achmed soldier (Hannah Boeding)
Hannah Boeding is a freshman at Conifer High School. She has been in 5 productions total, all at the Venue Theater. Her most enjoyable role yet was Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet. This will be her first production at CHS, and she is very excited to be performing. She hopes you enjoy the show!
Ja'far (Bryce Merrill)
Bryce is a junior at Conifer High School and is hardly new to performing, Twisted being his 15th show. He enjoyed playing as Perchkik in Fiddler On The Roof and Jim Hardy in Holiday inn. When Bryce isn’t performing you can find him writing music. He hopes you enjoy the show!
The Princess (Skye Fowle)
Skye is a sophomore at Conifer High School. Twisted is her return to performing after a 6 year break! She’s very excited to be a part of the show, and gives thanks to all of her friends for their support in joining the Twisted cast. Outside of theater, she loves to spend time with her cat, Luna, and finds herself a bit too excited with Biotech homework. Skye hopes you enjoy this hilarious production!
Captain (Oceana Olsen)
Oceana is very excited to be a part of the Twisted cast. She is 15 years old and a freshman at Conifer High School. She has been in plenty of other productions at The Venue. This list includes Romeo and Juliet, Disaster, Frozen, and Anything Goes. She hopes you enjoy the show!
Monkey (Erica Hiebert)
Erica is a senior at Conifer High School. Twisted will be her 5th show at Conifer. She is very excited to play as the Monkey and hopes you enjoy the show!