Night at the Wax Museum Cast

Aulbree Hudson (Heather Fairchild)
Aulbree is a junior at CHS who is beginning to love being an actress. She will try her hardest to make each performance the best.
Asher Watson (Skip Webster)
Asher is a sophomore at CHS. He was in The Great Gatsby. Asher would like to thank his friends in the play (about half the cast) for encouraging him to audition.
Schmari Lockley (Victor Tates)
Schmari is a sophomore at CHS who loves to act. His favorite class is Theatre. You may have seen him as Meyer Wolfsheim in The Great Gatsby, Barney Barrelfoot in Murder at the Orient Express, Pugsley Addams in The Addams Family Musical, or most recently as Oliver Rivers in Puffs. He hopes you enjoy the show!
Hiedi Smith (Joelle Kreeble)
Hiedi is a senior at CHS and the Drama Club Vice President. Since freshman year, she is normally found backstage working on a crew or the leadership team. However, she was onstage in Aladdin. Hiedi is excited to play the teen Joelle in Night at the Wax Museum.
Zee Zick (Rolf Rizzo)
"I rely on apps for travel recommendations."
Gelissa Howard (Emily Blake)
Gelissa is a 14 year old (surprising) freshman at CHS. She played multiple professors in the previous play, Puffs, and is excited she isn’t playing crusty old ladies anymore! She hopes you enjoy the show! :) #longlivedrake
Nova Fletcher (Carrie Gale)
Nova is a sophomore at CHS. They are playing Carrie Gale in this show, and this is their third play at CHS. They love acting and singing in theatre. Enjoy!
Cindy Kim (Lupe Lopez)
Cindy Kim is a CHS freshman, and Night at the Wax Museum will be her first play. She is trying many new things out in search of a passion, which is why she decided to audition. She is grateful for the opportunity to be part of this show, and will try her hardest to play her role the best she can. "If you don't think I'm worth it, find someone else. I won't say sorry for being who I am." - Takahiro Moriuchi
K Johnson (Jolene Fairchild)
K is a sophomore at CHS. He has helped/been in 3 plays! He loves to rap and dance. "Take the risk or lose the chance."
August Baker (Julene Fairchild)
August is fourteen years old and a freshman at CHS. This is his second performance, and he is very excited to be on the stage.
Ruby Williams (Ivy Sweet)
Ruby is a senior at CHS. Ruby plays Ivy Sweet in Night at The Wax Museum. She likes k-pop, dancing, and singing. In her free time Ruby enjoys doing k-pop dances, and studying Chinese. :)
Emily Gonzales (Ethel Lockhead)
"Dude, suckin at something is the first step at being sorta good at something." -Jake the Dog (Adventure Time)
Rebecca Beer (Hazel Smithy-Withy)
Rebecca is a gal of many names. From Becca to Rebonka, you'll hear it all, but in this show you'll hear her referred to as Hazel Smithy-Withy. Anyways she says hi and bye! Enjoy the show!
Katelyn Goff (Violet Sneed)
This is Katelyn (or Katie). She is a Junior at CHS, and you have seen her in a couple of productions at CHS. Tickets for a show are a great Christmas present. hint hint! :)
Aristotle Chase (Jasper Sneed)
Aristotle Chase is a freshman at CHS. His music teacher called him the "glue" that held together his fourth-grade production of Seussical: The Musical. He still holds on to that.
Briani Desroches (Polly Popper)
Briani is a senior at CHS who has been a part of theatre all 4 years. She has experience both on the stage and off, more notably her time as Stage manager for Puffs, and Costume Manager for Addams Family: A New Musical. She has also been seen as fun characters like Arlene from Who Poisoned His Meatball, a shopper in Aladdin, Scarlett from Murder at the Orient Express, and even a stuck-in-the-past movie star in a pantomime called Emotional Baggage. Now she's stepping onstage once again ready to share a laugh as Polly Popper. So now she invites you to spend the night at this ✨Extra Musuem✨ and enjoy the show. 🕵
Laeondra Brown (Cleopatra)
Laeondra is a sophomore at CHS, and she’d like to thank her mom for always encouraging her.
Gian Rivera (King Henry VII)
Gian is a junior at CHS who has previously been in the play, Puffs. He hopes you enjoy his performance of King Henry VII.
Lee Sanders (Anne Boleyn)
Hi! This is Lee, a sophomore at CHS, and she likes to do theatre every once in a while! They have been in two other plays, The Great Gatsby and The Addams Family Musical!
Adam Gonzales (Blackbeard)
Adam is a freshman at CHS. He likes doing theatre, and he loves food. He will be bringing the great pirate Captain Blackbeard to life onstage.
Sara Presher (Anne Bonny)
Sara is a 17 year old junior at CHS. This is her first play at CHS Theatre, but she is excited to perform with this group. Enjoy the show or she'll make you walk the plank!
Keptia Josma (Mary Read)
Keptia Josma is in the building! She is 14 years old and a freshman at CHS. She is happy to be a part of the play, and she's thankful towards Mrs. Free for giving her such an opportunity.
Annika Hunt (Madame Ching)
This is Annika Hunt. Her pronouns are she/they. She is a sophomore at CHS. She gets lost easily. They don’t really know how they got here, but anyways Annika is excited to play Madame Ching.
Zachary Tannenbaum (Butch Cassidy)
Zach is a senior at CHS participating in what is now his fourth play, the third at CHS. He is a man of accents and voices with the ability to impersonate any role he takes on.
Aiden Gomez (Sundance Kid)
Aiden Gomez is a sophomore at CHS. He has been in multiple previous plays and is excited for this role. He hopes you all enjoy the show!
Cameron Moser (Pancho Villa)
Jordan Woodie (Calamity Jane)
Jordan is a junior at CHS, and she loves to act. She has a passion for drama and acting. She also loves jokes. Why do we tell actors to break a leg? Because every play has a cast!
Connor Sanders (John Adams)
Connor is a sophomore at CHS, and he's been in two plays since freshman year (The Great Gatsby and The Addams Family Musical). But he's excited to be in this mystery play as John Adams!
Skyler Weber (Lizzie Borden)
Skyler is a freshman at CHS who loves doing theatre!
Kacey King-Bass (Pirate 1)
Kacey is a 15 year old freshman at CHS. She is excited to be in this play.