I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change Creative

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Stage Manager
Jacki Harrell
Jacki is thrilled to be back behind the scenes at the Depot. Her favorite on stage roles were “Corie Bratter” in Barefoot in the Park at both TRP & Southside Theater Guild, and “Nan Vuong” in Getting Away With Murder. When she’s not changing sets, Jacki is a Mom to three amazing kiddos; Mia, Milo, and Evie Jo, and married to another familiar TRP face, Jonathan. She would like to thank her Husband for being Super Dad so she could be here, her kids for understanding that Mama loves theater and has to go “play with her friends."
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Kristin Nalley
Kristen is an accomplished dancer, performer, and choreographer who has been a part of numerous productions in the Chattanooga/North Georgia area. She resides in Ringgold with her husband and children.
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Laurie Shaw
This marks Laurie’s directorial debut at TRP after award-winning performances as an actor over the past several seasons. She would like to thank her husband, Jason, and her two sons for their continues support, and the community for supporting TRP to the point where we can produce a wonderful show like this!
Musical Director
Benjamin Brown
This show marks Benjamin’s first production with TRP, but he’s been an actor, singer, and musician in the Chattanooga and North Georgia area for many years. Benjamin is currently a student at the University of Georgia pulling double majors in Music and Computer Science.

Original Creative Team