The Suspect Named Jesus Cast

Leonor Rodriguez (Detective Petra Portae)
A gruff detective who is on the edge and seeks to find the Suspect Named Jesus
Elias Lewis (Jesus)
Jesus of Nazareth
Leobardo Rodriguez (Emilio Prodigo)
A young child praying for their father to return from a war overseas
Vernon Lewis (Hector Prodigo)
A father deployed overseas to fight a war
Journey Lewis (Rebecca David)
A potential first generation college student
Evie Troxell (Cynthia David)
Rebecca's single income mother
TJ Reid  (Matthew Talmid)
A fisherman out of luck
Vernon Lewis (Caecus Vir)
A blind beggar
Sofia Medina (Mortuus Lazarus)
A grandmother who has passed away
Journey Lews (Sarah Lazarus)
Mortuus' Daughter
Evie Troxell (Kimberly Lazarus)
Sarah's young daughter
Samuel Troxell (Noah Lazaurs)
Sarah's young son
Valeria Medina (Beth Portae)
Petra Portae's daughter
Amara Shannon (Hungry Girl)
A young girl seeking food and shelter
Kaylee-Rae Reich (Police Officer)
Police department officer assisting Detective Portae
TJ Reid (Police Officer 2)
A jailer
Leobardo Rodriguez (Inmate)
A man in jail for a terrible crime