The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon (full-length) Cast

Fishergirl/Prince #3 (Cassidy Hemsley-Alfaro)
Cassidy has never performed in an actual musical but in middle school, she did do drama after school. It was a play/musical mixed in with different songs from musicals they’d dance and sing to in front of an audience. This will be her first real play and she can’t wait! It surprised her when she saw my name on the cast list. She wasn’t able to see it in person but a friend of hers sent her the photo of the list and she just couldn’t believe it. Her feelings for the play are both exciting and nervous. Memorizing lines isn’t really Cassidy’s forte since she keeps procrastinating but that’s beside the point… Since this is Cassidy’s first play she wants to go all out and enjoy it. It’s also her senior year so she definitely has gotta make the most out of it. After reading the script a couple of times, the show is hilarious. The fact there’s even audience interaction is amazing. It makes you feel more immersed in the story being told on stage. Shoutout to her mom for supporting Cassidy and her friends since they're always cheering me on whenever she doubts herself!
Cinderella (Angelina Alvarenga)
Angelina Alvarenga has been casted in Cal High’s play productions since freshman year. She was casted in the ensemble in ¨Peter and the Starcatcher¨ and as Robin in the productions ¨Scenes in a Quarantine.” And this year she has had the wonderful opportunity to be casted as Cinderella in this year's latest production, ¨The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon.” She is a little nervous given that she hasn't hit the stage since freshman year. She hopes to do well and prove to herself that she can do anything. She would like to thank her family for supporting her every step of the way. She would also like to thank Mr. N for continuously challenging her on the daily. She hopes that the audience enjoys the show just as much as she enjoyed being a part of it.
Wolf (Oliver Armenta)
Oliver Armenta has been in theatre productions from drama clubs to Comedysportz and musical productions. I hope to bring you all laughter when it comes to the show because I specialize in that. "Where do you learn to make a banana split?" "Sundae school." ehhh ehhh *finger guns* okay anyways. My first ever role was playing Miss.Hannigan from the musical Annie. It was very influential to me and I hope to one day move a soul into the beauty of playing a part in a scene. Big and huge shout out to Ms. Riisager (my middle school teacher) who gave me the opportunity to discover what talents I can bring to the table.
Narrator 2/Prince #1 (Noah Baldwin )
Noah Baldwin is excited to finally be performing in-person again. Noah is a senior, has been in 4 previous Cal High Productions, and has been participating in musical theater productions for 10 years. Some of Noah’s favorite roles over the years include the Wizard of Oz (Wizard of Oz), Chef Louis (Little Mermaid), Iago (Aladdin), and Schroeder (You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown). When he isn't at rehearsal, you might find him on the tennis courts, playing the violin, or singing in the Cal High Chamber Choir. Noah would like to thank his family for supporting him throughout this process, and Mr. Nguyen for not being too mad for all of the schedule conflicts Noah had.
Enchantress/God (Dezteni Barraza)
Dezteni has been performing and participating in school productions for the past 4 years. Her first being in middle school playing roles such as: ¨The Queen of Hearts¨ in ALICE IN WONDERLAND and ¨Scrooge¨ in A FAIRYTALE CHRISTMAS CAROL. Theatre has played a very big role in her life, allowing her to express herself to the fullest and getting in touch with her strange yet unique capabilities. She would like to thank her parents, friends, her dog Benni, for their love and support and her former theater teacher, Mrs. Tyler, who introduced and influenced her love for performing arts.
Witch #2 (Natalya Orduno-Chavez)
This will be Natalya’s 4th year of doing Theater. She feels that this play will be the best one she has ever been in. It’s different and it is upbeat and fun. She really hopes all of you enjoy it because the cast all has worked super hard just so you all can enjoy this production! First and foremost, she would like to thank her mom, who drove her to rehearsals and was always there for her when she needed her the most. She is Natalya’s biggest supporter. She also wants to thank the rest of her family, (Dad, Ama, Nina Brenda, JR, and her little sister Eliyana). She would like to thank them for always being there for her and always having her back.
The Devil #1/Dwarf #1 (Leah Cokias)
Leah Cokias is beyond excited to finally be involved in a Cal High production in person! After performing as Famine in SCENES FROM A QUARANTINE via Zoom last fall, she was thrilled to join the cast this year in person. She would like to thank her parents for supporting her, and Mr. Nguyen for giving her the opportunity to be a part of such a hilarious show. She would also like to thank her new theater family for welcoming her with open arms.
Witch #1 (Cristina Cruz)
Cristina Cruzhas been part of Scenes of From a Quarantine where she played Covid-19. Last year, she had a blast giving life to Covid-19. She is exhilarated to be part of The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon production and hopes everyone will enjoy the show. Although this is her last year in high school, she will make the most out of it. In her free time, she loves to see movies, listen to music, and read mystery books. Additionally, she would like to thank her family for always supporting her in everything she wants to do.
Actor/Host (Starla Flores)
Starla Flores is a senior at Cal High. This is her fifth show with the Drama Program. Some of her favorite past roles include Mr. Paravicini in “The Mousetrap”, Ronette in “Little Shop of Horrors”, and Boy/Peter in “Peter in the Starcatcher”. When she is not acting she is dancing with the Performing Group, singing with Chamber Choir, or just sleeping. She has the magical ability to fall asleep anywhere at any time, even standing up. Since you are reading this, bring her either coffee or Del Taco ;)
Talking Fish (Deanne Fonseca)
Deanne Fonseca has been in multiple plays and musicals since the 7th grade. She has been creating great memories with every show she has been a part of and has made lots more with this cast. She also hopes that the audience will have a great time watching the show and laugh to their heart's content. And that they can finally enjoy an in person performance after so long. She would like to give a shout out to her family, friends and teachers for always encouraging her to do her best and for their support.
Woodcutter/Hansel (Joshua Franco)
Joshua Franco has never been in a Cal High theater production and his making his debut on stage for the first time. He has enjoyed the experience greatly, and feels that it has made him understand the art of theater along with making some new friends along the way. He also enjoys being in the Cal High Comedy Sportz team and enjoys music as well. He would like to thank the entire cast and crew for accepting him and giving him a great experience for his last year here at Cal.
Girl without hands/Crab Person #2/Doctor/Walt (Emily Guzman)
Emily Guzman has never performed in a play before. She is pretty nervous about performing in front of other people but she is still excited. She really hopes her family likes her acting and is proud of her for doing this. She’d like to give a shoutout to her parents and her cousin for encouraging her to go through with this.
Girl/Frog Prince (Nyla Paul Leota)
Nyla Paul Leota performs in their first high school theater production. Her experience before this show is very little, but she has enjoyed the challenge of this experience. She enjoys being on stage and is are extremely grateful to be in this production. They also are extremely happy with the warm welcoming energy of the cast. She wants to thank her family for supporting their ventures in the world of theater, and being overall supportive of their passions.
Princess (Greyson Marinello)
Isabel/Greyson Marinello will be playing the Princess in the Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon. Grey has performed before smaller productions when they were in elementary school. They have always liked to watch plays and musicals which has inspired them to be a part of some productions. They would like to thank their family and friends for supporting them. They would also like to thank their fellow cast members for all of the fun memories that they all have made during rehearsal. And finally they would like to thank Mr. Nguyen for making all of the cast members laugh and have fun and supporting all of us on the way.
Devil #2 (Jason L. Martinez)
Jason L. Martinez is an aspiring actor who’s making his debut in this performance. He plays the role of The Devil #2. They’re very excited to perform in front of an audience and are prepared to wow people with their amazing acting. He hopes the audience will enjoy the crass and dark humor. He would like to thank his boyfriend, Oliver, and his two friends Joce and Dallas for supporting him and helping them gain confidence.
Devil's Grandmother (Amy Merriss)
Amy Merriss has performed a couple times for local audiences and is happy to experience being a part of The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon. Amy hopes you enjoy the show, for the cast had so much fun putting it together. She thanks you all for coming to see the show. She has been going to plays her whole life and loves everything about the art of theater. Amy would like to thank her family and for their support.
Narrator #1 (Isabella Montana)
She’s super excited to be in this year's play! She would like to thank her family and friends for being so supportive through all of her highschool productions. She's always thankful for their help, helping drive her to places and helping rehearse lines. She's had so much enjoyment in being a part of this production and hopes the audience enjoys it just as much.
Little Red/Dirt Merchant (Arianna Moreno)
Arianna Moreno has been acting at Cal High since her freshman year. She has been in shows such as Mousetrap, by Agatha Christie as Miss Boyle and Peter and the StarCatcher, by Rick Elice as Alf. She’s happy to be in this play for her senior year and hopes the audience has a good time! She would like to thank her mom and the Gorbea family for all their love and support! Sit back, relax, laugh, and enjoy the show!!!
Rumpelstiltskin/Crab Person #1 (Xavier Ojeda)
Xavier Ojeda has been performing plays at California High for two years (2019-2021). His previous 2 plays were Peter and The Starcatcher (Grempkin) and Scenes From a Quarantine (Death). His experience with the 2 plays has been fun and fantastic. Xavier is excited to perform his third play: The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon. Xavier will play 2 characters in The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon: Rumpelstiltskin and Crab Person #1. Considering that it’s been almost 2 years without an in-person play, Xavier hopes the audience will enjoy seeing The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon. Xavier would like to thank his family for their support.
Plant (Lila Massey Olivas)
Lila Massey-Olivas has never performed in a play before but is really excited about this. She’s always wanted to do a play although she has stage fright and can get really nervous. She is so proud of all her cast mates and how much they’ve improved over this time. Lila hopes you like this show. She and the cast have put a lot of time and work into this. She would like to thank her mom, dad, sister, her friends and all the people that are in this play with her. They all have helped Lila so much over this time. Thank you for coming and enjoy the show!
Rapunzel (Thea Perez)
Thea Perez has just recently started performing for audiences, starting her career off during last year's virtual fall play of ``Scenes from a Quarantine¨ and playing the part of ¨Wren¨. This year's fall play is her first in person performance, and she is thrilled to have the honor of performing for you tonight. She hopes you enjoy the show and are just as excited to experience these stories, as she is to perform in them. She would like to thank her ¨family¨ and best friend for coming out tonight to support her, as well as thank our beloved theatre family for this amazing opportunity to join the theatre community.
Gretel (Mia Rodriguez)
Mia Rodriguez has only acted in one production before this, but between the two, this production is her favorite. She has greatly enjoyed all of the great experiences throughout rehearsals. Her favorite part during this production was rehearsing with the entire cast. She hopes that everyone enjoys the play and finds it entertaining. She’d like to thank the entire cast and Mr. Nguyen for the amazing experience.
Father/Giant/King/Dwarf 2 (Nikolai Santos)
Nikolai Santos has been performing on-stage for the last 7 years. His favorite role so far has been James in James and the Giant Peach. Nikolai is excited for The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon to be seen live and in person, and hopes the audience is ready for a show they will never forget. Nikolai would like to thank his older sister for getting him into acting in the first place, as well as his parents for their enthusiasm and continuous support. Nikolai would also like to thank Mr. Nguyen for this opportunity, as well as his previous mentors, Angel Ramirez and Erin Strauss.
Snow White (Priscila Silva)
Priscila has never performed before this production unless you count the time she participated in a five-minute Little Red Riding Hood show for elementary kids. She’s always had a love for the art of theatre. The acting, the costumes, the props fascinate her. She is excited and proud for finally getting out of her comfort zone and performing in front of an audience. She would like to thank her family, but especially her mom and older brother for driving her to the practice and for overall support. Also she would like to thank her loving friends who came to watch the show.
Prince #2 (Joseph Suchite)
This will be Joseph’s debut for any performance. He has never participated in a play/show. He is really excited and happy to work with others in this production. He is somewhat nervous but is all in for it. He would like to thank his friends as well as close friends. He would also thank his little brother, mother and father for all the support and motivation.
Elf Cobbler (Lee Tees)
Lee Tees has only performed once in their life, as Wickersham Brother #2 in Seussical the Musical in fifth grade. (It’s not something they want to remember) They have a passion for all forms of storytelling and enjoys singing and drawing. They hope the audience enjoys the show as much as they enjoyed rehearsing it. They’d like to give a shout-out to their dad, who makes very funny jokes, and their mom, who’s an amazing actress, whether she thinks so or not.
Mother/Grandma (Hailie Ybarra)
Hailie Ybarra has performed before in the Cal High Comedy Sports team and in the Scenes of a Quarantine play. She has really enjoyed the experience and is excited to continue live acting. She is excited to share the play with everyone who attends. She would like to thank her family and friends for encouraging her to join the production. She hopes to continue performing in future productions.