About Macbeth

For hundreds of years, Macbeth has remained in our cultural consciousness as an examination of ambition and its resulting consequences. It makes sense to muse on this topic given that, as human beings, we are wired for ambition. To find and develop the better version of ourselves, to get more, BE more. Yet we are told that this hard-wired impulse is bad, even damnable in its destructive power. Where, then, do we find reprieve? In this production, with a lean company of only seven actors, Brevard College theatre will ask the question: what is the consequence when our inward nature comes into conflict with a force of nature? Macbeth rises to prominence in a world out of balance as a commendable hero, yet the world has shown them they can be more. To expect them to be satisfied in that knowledge and not act on it goes against their DNA even though it may very well lead to their destruction . As we are seeing now with the increasing effects of climate change, it is not, nor cannot be, Humankind who will prevail in a test of wills against our own planet. The earth will find a way to balance herself again, and it may come at great cost to us, just as it did in the microcosm of Shakespeare's Scotland. In this way we can almost see both Lord and Lady Macbeth as figures tragically linked to a greater balance. A fever of ambition required to correct the violent infection spreading culturally across their country. We so often find ourselves, in polarizing times, wondering "something's gotta give, what's it going to be?", and hopefully Macbeth serves as a poetic caution guiding us away from the darkest of these outcomes to a version of balance that is indeed more harmonious and sustainable for generations to come.

Brevard College

In keeping with our Mission Statement, BC Theatre Dept. seeks to encourage student and community growth and purposeful interaction with a range of ideas. We mindfully tell this story with the deliberate aim of ensuring both open-mindedness and personal safety.