About A Comedy Double Feature: This is a Test & A Midsummer Night's Dream

Our Theatre 2 & 3 class proudly present This is a Test by Stephen Gregg. 

As the ticking clock reminds you, only 60 minutes remain to complete this oh-so-important predictor of your future. But you didn't get the review sheets, the teacher doesn't like you and your classmates are blatantly cheating. Time passes and the voices in your head remind you that though you are having trouble with the test, your personal life is far, far worse. Then you reach the essay question. The good news—it's an opinion essay. The bad news—it's in Chinese. And things aren't going to get better! 


Our Talented & Gifted Honors Theatre class proudly presents: A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakepseare.

A Midsummer Night's Dream is a lighthearted and fantastical comedy that unfolds in an enchanted forest on the outskirts of Athens. The play is a whimsical exploration of love, desire, and the unpredictable nature of human emotions.

The story begins with the impending marriage of Duke Theseus of Athens to Hippolyta, the Queen of the Amazons. Simultaneously, the romantic entanglements of four young lovers add a layer of complexity. Hermia loves Lysander, but her father insists she marry Demetrius. Helena, Hermia's close friend, pines for Demetrius, who is indifferent to her.

The action takes a whimsical turn as the mischievous fairy king Oberon and his servant, Puck, decide to intervene with love potions and enchantments, causing chaos among the young lovers. The forest becomes a realm of magic, where love is fickle and dreams come to life. Meanwhile, a group of amateur actors led by the comically arrogant Bottom finds themselves ensnared in the fairy's pranks.

In the end, the enchantments are resolved, and the play culminates in a humorous performance by the amateur actors for the Duke and his court. A Midsummer Night's Dream is a celebration of the capriciousness of love and the power of imagination, where reality and dreams intertwine in a magical and humorous way, leading to a harmonious and festive conclusion.

Bengals On Stage

The Blythewood High School Theatre Department, known as “Bengals OnStage”, is an award winning, production focused theatre program that offers multiple theatrical performances annually. Students spend their class time engaged as a production and performance team to take words on a page and transform them into fully realized theatrical productions on the stage. Students may concentrate in performance or on technical theatre or both! Although producing quality theatre is the focus of our BHS theatre program, our ultimate goal at Bengals OnStage is to grow the confidence, creativity, problem solving, and professionalism skills of our aspiring performers and technicians. 


Fall 2023 Meet & Greet