Murdering Medea Production Team

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Dillon Sickels
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Assistant Director
Hunter Kazmierczak
Hunter always had a lifelong passion for theater and the arts and was lucky enough to meet the love of his life, Trevor, through acting. Although it has been many years since he acted on stage himself, he’s had the pleasure to assist and support his fiancé’s many acting adventures behind the scenes. Be it running lines, doing make up, costuming, managing stage crew, set building/striking, and running lights, he is always eager to take on more roles to help make the magic on stage happen. This past season with Black Swamp Players, Hunter was Stage crew for The Moors and spotlight for Puffs. He is also excited to assistant direct next season’s production of Murdering Medea. BSP is already feeling like a second home to him, and he is looking forward to meeting more people and helping out anyway he can.
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Stage Manager
Heath A. Diehl
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Kevin Caudill
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Nikki Fetters

Director's Note