And Then There Were None Creative

Creative Member Image
Preston Bayless
Creative Member Image
Candace Fougere
Creative Member Image
Stage Crew
Judah Dushaj
Judah is a senior who was on our soccer team and plans to play baseball in the spring. He has had some acting experience in the past so already comes to us with a knowledge of what goes on behind the scenes during a production. After high school, Judah plans to become a mortgage banker. When asked what he is most excited about with being a part of this production, he said “watching all of the work come together in the final product.”
Creative Member Image
Stage Crew
Emilia Hobson
Emilia is a sophomore and is excited about being a part of the backstage aspect of this production. She “really likes plays. [She doesn’t] have a desire to be a cast member in one, but wanted to know more of what goes on.” Emilia is also involved as a member of our school’s band playing the bassoon. After high school she would like to pursue a degree in science and/or arts.
House Manager
Kathy Capozzoli

Crews, Craftsmen & Technical Advisors

Make-Up Crew

Tessa Chamberlain
Emily Downs
Emma Dray
Andrea Pinedo

Business Crew

Catherine Griffard
Andrea Maris
Joey Tyiran
Kaydee Wagner

Electrical Crew

Nathan Michalek
Phil Smith


Dan Smith
Sam Mansour
Joe Cresto
Mark Wilson
Nick Waters
Robert Lozneanu
Kola Dushaj

Technical Advisors

Bill Stouffer
Mark Nowak