Cinderella (Broadway Version) Creative

Stage Manager
Haley Kresal
This is Haley's final show in high school. She is going to continue doing theater at Starlight and is really excited to see what happens in the future. This is Haley's second experience as stage manager and is beyond happy she could do it. She hopes you enjoy the show and be sure to share your love with the cast after the performance. Big boss out.
Assistant Stage Manager/Crew Chief
Nia Berndt
This is Nia's 6th show at Belvidere North and is her first time as assistant stage manager! She is also in Improv Anonymous She would like to thank her friends and family for supporting her through the ups and downs of life! She wants to say Lil Boss Out.
Dr. Phillip Vermillion
Dr. Vermillion is the Director of Choral Activities and Vocal Music Education at Belvidere North High School. He is excited to co-direct his seventeenth musical at BNHS. He counts himself blessed to work with such an amazing cast, fantastic crew, and dynamic production team. Even though this is the shortest musical rehearsal schedule in the history of the school, he isn't worried one bit. After all, "It's Possible!"
Mr. David Zimmerman
Mr. Zimmerman is the Director of Theatre Arts at Belvidere North High School and is excited to be working on his fourth musical and 12th production at BNHS! R+H's Cinderella is the first show he ever remembers seeing and he is thrilled to bring that magic to the stage. Every year he feels like the process runs more and more smoothly and has to thank Dr. Vermillion, Mr. Wolfgram, Mrs. Miracle, and Mychall Cornejo for making that possible.
Music Director
Mr. Steven Wolfgram
Technical Director
Mrs. Mikayla Miracle
Mr. Mychall Cornejo

Original Creative Team

Music by Richard Rodgers
Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II
New Book by Douglas Carter Beane
Original Book by Oscar Hammerstein II


Directed by Mark Brokaw; Choreographed by Josh Rhodes; Associate Director: Gina Rattan; Associate Choreographer: Lee A. Wilkins; Assistant Choreographer: Kristine Bendul; Scenic Design by Anna Louizos; Costume Design by William Ivey Long; Lighting Design by Kenneth Posner; Sound Design by Nevin Steinberg; Hair and Wig Design by Paul Huntley; Make-Up Design by Angelina Avallone