About The Crucible

In the Puritan New England town of Salem, Massachusetts, a group of girls goes dancing in the forest and get caught. What happens next sends the town into a spiral of accusations of witchcraft from this group of girls against the slave Tituba and several older men and women who are seen as outcasts in society and those who speak out against the Reverend Parris.

Bakersfield Community Theatre

Bakersfield Community Theatre holds the distinction of being the longest running continuing community theatre in the state of California. Because we are a community theatre anyone in the community is welcome to participate. Since 1927, Bakersfield Community Theatre has involved thousands of directors, board members, actors, backstage crew, technicians, and most importantly audience members. The theatre has never shied away from producing plays with hard-hitting social issues along side the classic comedies and dramas of the twentieth century. Bakersfield Community Theatre (BCT) has been home for many actors in the Kern County area. It has provided an opportunity for cultural growth and enrichment of the community for its actors and all those who have graced its doors.