BEEJ: Dance Exploration Performers

Co-Creative Director (Emily Rome)
Emily began her professional dance career In 2010, she moved to Florida to take part in an internship as a dancer/performer at Walt Disney World. Emily graduated with her A.A degree in Dance Performance and Choreography from Valencia College in Florida. From 2010 to 2013, Emily performed with both the Walt Disney World Company, as well as Universal Studios. From there, she continued on to complete her B.F.A in Dance Performance and Choreography from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. After graduation, Emily moved back to Florida to teach at local studios and serve as an assistant director for the Imperial Dance Company. Emily was a performing company member with Dawn Branch Works, based in Orlando during the 2016-2017 season. Currently, Emily teaches at a local dance studio in Green Bay, WI and serves as the Director for Dance Unlimited Company.
Co-Creative Director (Esrom Williams, Jr.)
Apart from building three k-12 dance programs for school districts across the nation, Esrom has been working diligently on creating an explorative space for dance artists with his project based dance company Ataraxia Dance Theatre. Reigning from an Indo-Jamaican family, Esrom began his studies at Broward Colleges VPA dance program, leading him to two research one institutions, the University of Florida for his BFA in Dance, and then completing his MFA in Dance performance and choreography at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee. Over the past two years Esrom has been cultivating and building the Dance programs for Washington Middle School for the Arts and The Fine Arts Institute at East High School, which has ushered him to plant his vision and mission of ADTC in the Green Bay, WI area.
Company Member (Lisa Pritzl)
Lisa began dancing at the age of 3. By the age of 14, she was a founding Company Member and danced semi-professionally for Wisconsin Ballet Theatre. It was there that she learned valuable life lessons and skills that would guide her through life. She continued her dance career as an Instructor/Choreographer at Barb’s Center for Dance where she was instrumental in developing their ballet program. She also taught, pointe, lyrical, modern, tap and jazz. In her early 20s, she turned her focus to raising her family and building her career in marketing and advertising. In 2018 she felt the calling to pursue her passion for dance. Her faith played a major role in providing her the courage to leave her career and start Empowerment Dance. She recognized the need to provide dance to underserved populations such as adults, seniors, and those living with physical and mental disabilities so that her students may rediscover joy through dance. Empowerment Dance was created for a purpose, motivated by a passion, and is driven to transform lives because she believes in what’s possible. Her values are empowering.
Company Member (Jenna Zeibarth)
enna Ziebarth is a Wisconsin-born dancer, choreographer & dance educator. She graduated in 2019 with a degree in Dance from the University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point. A former pastry chef, Jenna is overjoyed to be actively pursuing her career in dance again. Fun fact: Jenna has a pet parakeet named Sunday.
Company Member  (Tabitha Zehms)
Tabitha became a student of dance as an adult, but has been a student of music and movement since childhood. She got her black belt in Tae Kwon Do at 9 years old; learning the forms was her favorite part. She played viola in orchestras and string quartets for 12 years. She also participated in cheerleading and show choir. Tabitha found Zumba class as an adult, loved the combination of dance and community, and has been a Zumba instructor for the last 9 years. She has taught all over the country, from studios in Los Angeles to Boston to here in the Midwest. Hip hop is her favorite style, but she also loves learning ballet, West African, and hula. Tabitha performed at Green Bay's Unhinged art event this past October at the Weidner Center. When not dancing, Tabitha works as a computer programmer, and spends her free time reading fantasy and science fiction novels, hiking in the woods, baking, and playing with her husband and two sons.
Company Apprentice (Aaliyah Lupnitez)
Aaliyah is a junior at East High School where she has been dancing for the past three years. She has a natural talent for dance and choreographer and has been using her skills on the Dancing Devils dance team and FAI Dance Program. Aaliyah has joined the ADTC company as an Apprentice Dancer to help expose her to a new and professional way of dance so that she can experience the real world lifestyle of dance. Joining the company has been a challenge for her, but she has quickly learned how to adapt to the life of mirroring a professional dancer. In her spare time she enjoys reading and spending time with her friends and siblings. She hope to continue creating work and growing in the discipline of dance.
Company Dancer (Jaxy Emmel)
Jaxy Emmel (She,Her,Hers) is a trans dance artist, mover, and choreographer. Jaxy graduated magna cum laude from the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Dance. While at school she was the winner of the Marvin R. Laird Exceptional Artist Award, the Chancellor Leadership Award, and the Wisconsin Dance Council Scholarship. After Graduation she joined Water Street Dance Milwaukee as an apprentice and danced professionally with them until late 2022. Jaxy has also worked with choreographers Morgan Williams, Luis Vasquez, Arinze Okammor, Michael Estanich, Joan Karlen, Sarah Olson, Pamela Luedtke, Aysha Upchurch, Joshua Manculich, Hanna Brictson, Netta Yerushalmy, Kyle Marshall, Katlin Bourgeois, and Alysia Johnson. Jaxy has choreographed for a number of UWSP performances including Afterimages and her very own full length dance concert "It's Just". She has also choreographed for Water Street Dance Milwaukee's Water on Water show. Jaxy is thrilled to be joining Ataraxia Dance Theatre as a Company Artist, and to be fulfilling her dream of bringing concert dance to her hometown of Green Bay!
Company Dance Volunteer (Linda Mullinax)
My love of dance started at the age of 3 when my mom enrolled me in dance classes and continued with lessons until my Senior year in high school. Although I took time off from classes for college, kids and work, dance has always been a part of me. I have to credit Lisa Pritzl, Empowerment Dance, for bringing dance back into my life. I am currently a volunteer in Lisa’s Empowered by Movement classes. I never thought that I would be participating in a dance production at this point in my life and am very excited for this opportunity.
Company Dance Volunteer (Sue Pankratz)
This is my first adventure into formalized dance. Following a 2018 diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease, I have added varied exercise programs to my lifestyle. During one particular rocksteady boxing class, I was introduced to Lisa Pritzl who is an ADTC company member. I attended her class and was hooked. The use of dance to move, balance and strengthen our bodies had never occurred to me; dance has changed me forever! The icing on the cake was the pure joy, laughter and sheer enjoyment dance has given to me! I am and will be forever grateful for Lisa and all of my PD friends. I am and will be forever grateful for Mike, my loving husband and my