CHESS, The Musical: A Staged Concert Creative

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Terri Moore
Terri is beyond excited to see Chess, Amaryllis Studio’s very first production, come to life! Terri has been an actress in the Richmond and surrounding area for over 50 years including stage, film and television work. In 2005, she won best actress in a feature film at the Bare Bones International Film Festival for her role as Nora in When Love Walks In. 2020 brought us many things, but it brought Terri the role of a lifetime as Della in The Cake at RTP (Richmond Theatre Critics Circle Best Actress Winner). Other favorite roles include Charlotte in Moon over Buffalo, Louise in Always Patsy Cline(an RTCC nominee) and Lily in On the 20th Century. Her directing credits include Anything Goes, HTC One Act Festival, and A Christmas Carol. She is also an acting and speech coach and welcomes new students to reach out at She thanks everyone for their hard work, dedication and encouragement but especially her children, Georgi & Scott and Leanna.
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Bridget Lydia
Bridget Lydia is thrilled to be a part of CHESS! Prior choreography credits include work for Henrico High School (Shrek, Center for the Arts Showcases, etc.) and decades of studio recitals. Performance favorites have been working with Homefront Players, Dogwood Dell, Riverside Center, and Richmond Triangle Players. She dedicates her work to her older sister, Katie, her role model and favorite chess partner. For WW, MW, and CW always.
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Social Media Manager
Leanna Hicks
Leanna wears many hats in the theatre community! She started acting when she was 5 years old and continues to perform any chance she gets! Soon, stage managing became another theatrical passion that she has now done professionally for 10 years around the Richmond area! But the newest hat that she wears is creating content for Social Media! She finds so much joy creating in a world where everything is right at your fingertips because so much can now reach so many within just seconds. So she is honored to have the opportunity to bring the world of CHESS to everyone! She wants to thank Terri Moore for bringing her into her passion project and always supporting her crazy dreams! She also wants to thank her sister, Georgi for always encouraging her to grow and show the world all she has to offer!
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Headshot/Production Photographer
Daryll Morgan
Daryll is excited to be a part of Amaryllis Studio's inaugural production, Chess! Daryll is an award-winning photographer and videographer based in Richmond, Virginia, and has been shooting professionally for over 10 years. He has a huge love and appreciation for theatre and performance, and has even starred in a few productions himself (most notably Black Coffee at Henrico Theatre Company). He got his start doing photos for Chamberlayne Actors Theatre, and has also worked with Dogwood Dell, Firehouse, VCU, Henrico Theatre Company, and River City Community Players, among others. His work (viewable at has been published in Style Magazine and other publications, and has been instrumental in the growth and development of the productions he works with. Big thanks to Terri, the cast and crew of Chess, and his friends and family for their continued love and support.
Stage Manager
Amber Wells
Lighting Designer
Aly Daugherty
Musical Director
Kristin Beasley

Original Creative Team