Thoroughly Modern Millie Creative

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Director and Musical Director
Philip Corso Jr.
Philip Corso is a school teacher by day and president/artistic director of 90 Miles Theatre Company by night. Over the years he has worked with numerous theater companies throughout the Hudson Valley region. Some of his favorite roles include Sir Galahad (Spamalot), Malcolm (The Full Monty), George (The Drowsy Chaperone), Motel (Fiddler on the Roof), Teen Angel (Grease), Tom (No, No, Nanette) and Brad (The Rocky Horror Show). He has directed memorial productions of The Rocky Horror Show, The Sound of Music, Claire Boothe Luce's The Woman, 9 to 5: The Musical, The Children's Hour, The Addams Family Musical, The Graduate, Into The Woods and several themed cabarets.
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Denise Wornell
Denise Wornell is happy to be working on her first show with 90 Miles Theater Company. Her previous show credits as choreographer include Anything Goes (1998), Baby (1999),Pippin (2001),Grease (2003),Cabaret (2005), The Drowsy Chaperone (2019) and performed in the ensemble in Pippin and Cabaret, at County Players in Wappingers Falls. She also did the choreography for the Lourdes High School production of All Shook Up (2019). Denise has been dancing since she took her first steps, with formal training at Estelle and Alfonso’s (where she was a member of the Mid-Hudson Ballet Company), Betty Jean’s Dance Studio, and Steps in NYC. She took a slight detour from pursuing a formal career in dance by taking on the role of Mom to two wonderful children, Dakota and Justin, both of whom she is extremely proud. She wants to thank her mom, (her guardian angel) and her dad for all their support throughout her life. Here’s to a great show with a wonderful cast! Break a leg!
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Set Design and Construction
Aleksander Friedrich
Alek is a proud supporter of arts in the Hudson Valley Community. A graduate of SUNY Oswego with degrees in Economics and Education, he currently works in radiant floor heating. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his family,pestering the cats, and restoring rotary phones and other historical restorations.
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Production Manager
Brie Friedrich
The phrase that describes Brie most is: Jack of all trades. Besides teaching chemistry at a local public school, she has participated in every level of theatrical production. She is thankful for all of those who have encouraged her over the years.

Original Creative Team

Thoroughly Modern Millie

Book by:


New Music by:


New Lyrics by:


Original Story and Screenplay by


for the

Universal Pictures Film

Originally Produced for Broadway by

Michael Leavitt      Fox Theatricals      Hal Luftig
Stewart F. Lane      James L. Nederlander      Independent Presenters Network
L.Mages/M.Glick      Berinstein/Manocherian/Dramatic Forces      John York Noble
and Whoopi Goldberg