Greetings fellow Hanna Theatre supporters and new audience members.  It goes without saying that this year has been quite a new world for everyone.  Nevertheless, our enthusiasm and our passion for theatre has not been affected.  We move forward and will continue to do what we love best- entertain.

We will start our year with a personal show entitled, This is Me!

We are looking forward in bringing you two amazing musicals and are awaiting the rights for them.

We are hoping that we can also bring you some more original and creative material as well.

This streaming platform is new and exciting for us.  We cannot emphasize this enough.  Because of it, we now have film students working on editing and recording- incredible.

We also offer a merchandise option when you buy tickets!  Wow!

Donations can also be made at any time- we hope you can help us even further!

A chat option will be available while all of our shows will be in progress- can't wait to do this feature!

We hope you will enjoy this way of purchasing tickets online, watching our shows on your personal devices from your comfort spot no matter where in the world that may be.

We hope to attract greater audiences and finally make our productions available to all those family members and supports who could not for may reasons attend our shows.

And now..... on to the shows!

We love ya!