CHS Drama Club solely relys on donations to keep going. We appreciate all the businesses that support our efforts each year. With the onset of the pandemic, everything came to a halt. At times we have had over 25 students participate in our spring musicals and our fall productions. It takes a huge team working together of students and their parents to help acheive our goal. On average, cost of the shows we do can be between $2500.00 and $5000.00. Add in the rights to the show, plus costumes, building sets, designing, painting, live musicians, a show can cost $14,000.00. What each student gets out of doing a musical is priceless. That is our mission. To give them this opportunity to learn and have fun. We hope you enjoy the show, and if you can help with just a small contribution to support our next years spring musical and our fall talent show production, we would be truly grateful. Thank you for supporting high school theatre!
Choose your one time donation amount
Or support us throughout the year with a monthly donation!