The Hispanic Alliance for the Performing and Audiovisual Arts (HAPAA) is committed to offering its members training and training in the wide range of skills required for the development of artists in the performing and audiovisual arts; guiding them towards self-organization, production and distribution of their creations, as well as encouraging them towards the investigation and implementation of new techniques and means of disseminating their artistic proposals.

We started in 2017 as an Independent Theater Group under the name of “Chilakill Teatro”, Since then we have made 5 Productions with 4 original plays, “Cama Para Tres, “Caja de Pandora”, “La Vida es Corta”, “The Zoo Story”, and, “Término Medio” our projects are characterized by addressing issues such as Immigration, Violence Gender, Bullying, and how the Latino community participates and is affected by these issues. Always challenging the audience to exercise a deconstructive self-analysis of their reality.


In 2021 we become a larger and more defined organization that opens the doors to emerging and active artists, to provide them tools they will need to develop their creativity and artistic interests by offering training and coaching workshops, landing on new quality artistic projects to offer to the community.

HAPAA is focused on serving individuals from the Latino community, especially those who may face problems in accessing a more institutional artistic education, whether due to economic possibilities, language, or immigration status, as well as workers who are unable to attend. regular hours.

HAPAA are committed to the right to be human and to be respected as such, that is why HAPAA projects always include themes that disseminate and promote the equality and fairness of the rights of the most affected minorities within the Latino community, such as they are the LGBT +, immigrants, women’s and people of color.

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