The Wizard of Oz
The Elephant Man

Drama I     

(UC approved) Year long; 5 credits per semester; Grade 9-12.  Prerequisites: None.

Drama I is the introductory course of the program. This course surveys many aspects of the theatre arts including basic terminology, improvisation, acting, pantomime, stage combat, theatre history, performance analysis, character creation, and scriptwriting.  This course may not be repeated for credit.

Technical Theatre      

Year long; 5 credits of Practical Arts Credit per semester; Grade 10-12; Prerequisites: None.

Students will learn the behind-the-scene skills necessary to be part of a stage crew. The course covers stage management, set design and construction, lighting, and script analysis.  This class may be repeated for credit.

Drama II      

(UC approved) Year long; 5 credits per semester; Grade 9-12.  Prerequisites: Completion of Drama II with a “B” or higher is recommended; an audition is required, and admittance approval is by instructor only.

Drama II is an intermediate course of the drama program. Designed to go beyond the needs of the general student, the instructor will only admit students into this class who are deemed to be capable of more advanced theatrical work. During the course, students study many aspects of the theatre arts in greater depth and detail than in Drama I.  Drama II includes scene showcases and/or “workshop” productions of iconic works. This course may not be repeated for credit.

Play Production      

(UC approved) year long; 5 credits per semester; Grade 10- 12.  Prerequisites: Completion of Drama II with a “B” or higher is recommended; an audition is required, and admittance approval is by instructor only.

“Play-Pro” is the highest-level theatre course of the Drama Program; designed for only the most accomplished and dedicated theatre student.  In this class, students apply what they’ve learned in earlier Drama courses as they develop and perform public theatrical presentations. The course may also explore directing and scriptwriting, as well as contain various workshops with professional guest artists.  Many hours of work outside of class are required. This course may be repeated for credit.

The Crucible
The Elephant Man
Little Shop of Horrors

                                       Drama 2 “Time Travelers” regularly visit Emerson, Jefferson, & Miller Elementary Schools.

Teaching Artists

Donovan Glover
  Donovan Glover is thrilled to be teaching and directing theatre at BHS! Glover graduated magna cum laude 
  with a B.A. from UCLA's School of Theatre, Film, & Television.  He earned his MFA in writing from Naropa 
  University, in Colorado, and his English Language Arts teaching credential from Cal State LA.  As a teacher/
  director, Glover emphasizes diligence and specificity in developing each student’s individual voice and craft.  
  Glover is an award-winning actor, director, and playwright.  He’s also a novelist and screenwriter.  He has 
  directed in theaters throughout Los Angeles and Off-Broadway in New York's Soho Playhouse.  He lives in 
  Burbank with his wife, daughters, and cats.
Jose Vasquez is a technician/engineer, producer/composer and teacher with experience in multiple areas of the entertainment industry. In the area of education, Jose has been involved with vocational and occupational programs in Los Angeles, California, developing the Curriculum for the Audio Production Program for the Los Angeles Office of Education and Regional Occupational Program. Jose has been involved with Burbank High School’s Performing Art Groups since 2005. Some of his credits include Night of The Living Dead (Sound Designer/Engineer; Original Score Composer), Viet-nan 101: War on Campus (Sound Designer; Tech Director), Candide (Sound Designer/Engineer; Tech Director); Flowers for Algernon (Sound Designer/Tech Director), Seussical The Musical (Sound Designer/Performer-Show Camp).
Patricia Jahangiri (Costume & Prop Design): Affectionately known to all as “Mama J,” Patricia has spent 
nearly twenty years designing for and sharing life lessons with aspiring young artists. Mama J is the mother 
in the mother/son team of Creative Elements – a full, theatrical service for costumes, sets and props.  She 
teaches costume design at LACHSA, and is the resident designer to five performing arts high schools in the 
Greater Los Angeles area.  Mama J is a mentor for the LA Shakespeare Center, and costume designer for 
Broadway Bound NYC.
Mama J
Maria McCann

 Maria McCann-Glover (Acting Coach): Maria is a UCLA Theatre alumnus who has appeared on shows like E.R., 
Shameless, Criminal Minds, Grey’s Anatomy, Lucifer, and All About the Washingtons.  These days she's busy being 
a full-time audio book narrator.  Maria is especially honored to work closely with the brave and invested actors in 
Play-Production.  Maria is the proud wife of Donovan Glover, as well as a ukulele fan and soccer mom for daughters 
Grace and Gwyneth.


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